Citylivinglab - Available online 9 may 2022
Socioeconomic profile of Caxias do Sul
Ana Cristina Fachinelli, Cíntia Paese Giacomello, Bianca Libardi, Catiane Borsatto, Rafael de Lucena Perini, Suane de Atayde Moschen, Suélen Bebber
In producing this socioeconomic profile, we analyze Caxias do Sul's social and economic structure. We highlight throughout the material the qualities of Caxias do Sul, presenting it as a favorable environment to live with quality of life and develop business. This publication consolidates diverse information about Caxias do Sul and serves as a reference to support investment decisions, policy formulation, inform visitors and the public about the assets and liabilities of the municipality, and its socioeconomic facts.
The magazine Socioeconomic Profile of Caxias do Sul aims to present to the community the aspects that most stand out in the city. Thematic axes have been defined, and, based on them, the primary data obtained from official sources are presented. Historical series and comparisons with state and national data allow us to position Caxias do Sul in relation to other places. The responsibility for data collection and analysis lies with the Citylivinglab team, a research group from the Graduate Program in Administration at the University of Caxias do Sul. The publication is based on secondary data, and all sources are cited throughout the magazine. We have always used the most recent data available.