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  • WHO WE ARE | City Living Lab

    MISSION | PURPOSE TEAM CITY LIVING LAB WHERE ARE WE OBDC WHAT IS A CITY LIVING LAB? A city is a living laboratory for innovation. A Living Lab is an environment for innovation and an approach to innovation. According to the European Network of Living Labs, a Living Lab is an open and innovative environment of "real life" circumstances, in which innovation aimed at users is part of the co-creation process for new services, products, and social infrastructure. Living labs encompass, simultaneously, social and technological dimensions in a partnership between companies, citizens, governments, and universities. It is an ecosystem where different partners work side by side, sharing knowledge while interacting with a variety of knowledge and technologies, inducing a fertile ground for innovation, research, and interdisciplinary communication. Knowledge cities (CC) Which refers to social studies, applied the Brazilian cities, regions, and neighborhoods Knowledge-based business (NBC) It is aimed at companies and sectors that drive the country's economy. Within these two areas are studies associated with the following contexts: Sustainable buildings and cities (SBC) Studies that aim to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Capital systems (CS) It is a formal knowledge management system based on a category structure in a complete and consistent taxonomy Observation, development and tourist and territorial intelligence (ODITT) It is aimed at studying approaches, methods and techniques of observation; the use and development of observation tools and systems and the development of applied observation processes to support tourist and territorial intelligence. Propósitos Missão up OUR PURPOSE OUR MISSION Disseminate studies that enable high learning capacity, sharing, and knowledge management. Contribute to the identification, evaluation, and development of Brazilian cities and businesses. Quem somos TEAM up up Apoiadores OUR LOCATION Fomento OUR LOCATION Onde estamos up OUR LOCATION up

  • MEDIA | City Living Lab

    Artigo escrito por membros do CityLIvingLab desvenda os segredos por trás da relação entre a qualidade do ambiente construído e a satisfação dos clientes em postos de gasolina. Artigo escrito por membros do CityLIvingLab desvenda os segredos por trás da relação entre a qualidade do ambiente construído e a satisfação dos clientes em postos de gasolina. O artigo discute o ambiente de serviços, especialmente os serviços presenciais, e como o ambiente físico influencia a percepção de qualidade e satisfação do cliente. A pesquisa propõe que melhorias no ambiente construído de um posto de gasolina podem impactar positivamente a satisfação do cliente. São apresentadas hipóteses de pesquisa relacionadas às dimensões do ambiente construído (aparência, conforto, configuração e funcionalidade) e sua relação com a satisfação do cliente. Para acessar o artigo na íntergra, clique aqui. Marcelo Benetti, pesquisador do CityLivingLab ​ "Nossos resultados evidenciam que melhorias no ambiente físico dos postos de gasolina estão diretamente ligadas à satisfação do cliente. Identificamos quatro dimensões-chave do ambiente construído, cada uma com atributos específicos que influenciam significativamente a percepção dos clientes. Essas descobertas oferecem valiosos insights para gestores, indicando áreas de oportunidade para ajustes operacionais e de atendimento ao cliente."

  • Citizen_Science | City Living Lab

    Seja um pesquisador! Cadastre-se e participe de nossas pesquisas O projeto Ciência Cidadã Apresente os apresentadores do webinar destacando suas carreiras. Basta clicar em “Editar Texto” ou duas vezes na Caixa de Texto para adicionar seu próprio conteúdo. Salvar meu lugar Cabeçalho 1 Quais tópicos de pesquisa você pode participar Funil do marketing digital Você pode adicionar seu conteúdo nesse parágrafo. Clique em Editar texto ou clique duas vezes na caixa de texto para escrever. Presença nas redes sociais Você pode adicionar seu conteúdo nesse parágrafo. Clique em Editar texto ou clique duas vezes na caixa de texto para escrever. Estratégias de marca Você pode adicionar seu conteúdo nesse parágrafo. Clique em Editar texto ou clique duas vezes na caixa de texto para escrever. Quero ser um pesquisador cidadão! Nome Sobrenome Email Mensagem Enviar Obrigado por enviar

  • MEDIA | City Living Lab

    Blog.Citylivinglab No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Citylivinglab.Mídia VER MAIS Citylivinglab.Vídeos AULA MAGNA - PPGA - UCS: Making and unmaking the Motor City: The economic and social development of Metropolitan Detroit Reunião Técnica do Grupo de Estudos - 1 CIDADES INTELIGENTES CENTRO DE ESTUDOS E DEBATES ESTRATÉGICOS Reunião Técnica do Grupo de Estudos - 2 CIDADES INTELIGENTES CENTRO DE ESTUDOS E DEBATES ESTRATÉGICOS Reunião Técnica do Grupo de Estudos - 3 CIDADES INTELIGENTES CENTRO DE ESTUDOS E DEBATES ESTRATÉGICOS PROGRAMA DEZ PRAS DUAS 06-08-2020 "QUALIDADE DE VIDA NA HABITAÇÃO" PROGRAMA DEZ PRAS DUAS 30-07-2020 "QUALIDADE DE VIDA NAS CIDADES" PROGRAMA DEZ PRAS DUAS 16-07-2020 "AMBIENTES DE VAREJO E O COMPORTAMENTO DO CONSUMIDOR" Projeto requalifica a região do bairro São Pelegrino em Caxias do Sul Bento Gonçalves recebe título de Cidade do Conhecimento PALESTRA CIDADES INTELIGENTES SUSTENTÁVEIS E RESILIENTES DESAFIOS DAS CIDADES DO FUTURO

  • Paper Submissions | City Living Lab

    submissions Knowledge Cities for the Anthropocene ​ This year's theme combines the traditional WCI topics of Knowledge-Based Development and Knowledge Cities with two new topics, Knowledge for the Anthropocene and City Preparedness for the Climate Crisis. The WCI books that will be published by the time of the conference (one on each of the later two topics) set the scene for this year's sessions. Also, both books will be presented on the last day. Knowledge for the Anthropocene (K4A) Human-induced environmental impacts are bound to disrupt our way of life in deeper ways and at a wider scale than anything previously experienced by humankind. Global existential risks challenge the conditions of the Biosphere that prevailed through the Holocene, the geological epoch that saw human civilizations flourish. However, the current knowledge base seems inadequate to help us cope with such realities. What relevant knowledge will become critical to deal with deteriorating environmental conditions? How can science, technology, innovation, and education be radically transformed for adequately responding? How can societies and governments continue to function? How need our mind-frames evolve? In K4A, these and other related questions are addressed. The common purpose is to provide a general perspective on the role that knowledge – the most important leverage to human action, may need to play in the unfolding circumstances of the Anthropocene. City Preparedness for the Climate Crisis (CPCC) Contemporary urban life is the epitome of modernization, a paradigm of progress that takes the Holocene climate for granted. Moreover, it takes for granted the Biosphere conditions that have allowed human civilizations to flourish. Global existential risks challenge the viability of the Biosphere for most big species. Despite increasing warnings, most cities seem to deny the impending catastrophes and remain ill-prepared to cope with major disruptions. The 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic has dramatically exhibited limited world governance, global alert systems, response capacity, and effort coordination to deal with planetary and local emergencies. CPCC addresses the warnings, inventory of capacities and competencies, lessons learned, and value practices in creating conscience and preparing for urban anthropogenic risks. Abstracts and full papers are invited under the following including but not restrictive list of topics: ​ Knowledge-Based Development Knowledge Cities Knowledge for the Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge for the Anthropocene City Preparedness for the Climate Crisis Capital Systems Metrics for the above areas Alternative Economics Post-pandemic City Development session formats Full papers and abstracts presentation sessions (November 15, 2021 - from 16h to 19h UTC time) plenary panels with guest speakers (November 16-18, 2021 - from 16:00 to 19:00 UTC time) Book presentations with guest book authors (November 19, 2021 - from 16h to 19h UTC time) Templates for the event FULL PAPER ABSTRACT PRESENTATION submission process Submissions of full papers or extended abstracts will be accepted; Submissions of will be accepted in Portuguese, English or Spanish; SUBMISSION WEBSITE SUBMIT BY EMAIL REGISTER NOW HOW TO REGISTER publication options Special Issue: Full paper submissions will participate in the fast track of Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação ( Brazilian Journal of Management & Innovation ). Selected papers will be invited to submit to the International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (Indexed in Scopus). Deadlines Abstracts or full papers submission: September 19, 2021 ​ Presentation of accepted papers and extended abstracts The presentation will be online, in a specific session. At least one of the authors must be present, duly registered for the event (register now). The certificate of participation and presentation will depend on the payment of the registration and participation in the event. Tickets: The KCWS 2021 invites you to register to our Summit and contribute to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), choosing any of the following values (fees not included). The KCWS will donate the total value of your contribution. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international medical humanitarian organization whose mission is to save lives by providing lifesaving medical care where it has needed most. *If you are a panel speaker or paper presenter you have the option to register for free. However, if you want to contribute to Doctors Without Borders, you can choose one of the values to register. *Use this website to check the exchange rate: Note: When choosing to pay with a credit card, pay attention to the question "Card issued in Brazil?" Check the option "no" if your card was not issued in Brazil. ​ Call for papers DOWNLOAD PDF contacts Rafael de Lucena Perini: Suélen Bebber: Conference chair: Prof. Ana Cristina Fachinelli Scientific chair: Prof. Fabiano Larenti RETURN

  • Presentation | City Living Lab

    Presentation The Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS) is an independent and global meeting of professionals, held annually, on the theme of “knowledge cities” and “knowledge-based development”. The initiative is a registered trademark of the World Capital Institute (WCI), an international think tank whose aim is to promote the understanding and application of knowledge as the most powerful lever of development. Held in conjunction with one or more organizations, the 14th edition of the Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS 2021) will take place virtually in Caxias do Sul, Brazil, with the partnership and organization of CityLivingLab and UCS-Universidade de Caxias do Sul. ​ The Congress aims to contribute to the emerging and vital discussions of our time on how urban centers and their regions can face challenges such as social inclusion, economic inequalities and environmental degradation through innovative knowledge-based development. ​ The Congress will provide a forum for academics, practitioners, public servants and policy makers from different parts of the world to meet and debate emerging challenges and their potential solutions. ​ Drawing on a wide range of disciplines and perspectives, it will provide you with unique opportunities to share your knowledge and experience. Authors of articles selected for presentation during the Congress will be invited to adapt their articles for submission and evaluation to the International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development and to the Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação. RETURN HOW TO REGISTER REGISTER NOW

  • CONTATO | City Living Lab

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  • RELATÓRIOS | City Living Lab

    Âncora 1 RELATÓRIOS TÉCNICOS Confira os relatórios técnicos que foram desenvolvidos em parcerias institucionais e de pesquisa na área de cidades e construções.

  • Speakers | City Living Lab

    Speakers Alexander Ruser U. of Agder | Before joining UiA in October 2018 Alexander was a temporary Professor for Sociology and Social Structure Analysis and scientific head of the Center for Political Communication at Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen, Germany). He holds a PhD in Sociology from the Max-Weber-Institute of Sociology at Heidelberg University and was a Dahrendorf Postdoctoral Fellow at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, the London School of Economics and Political Sciences and a visiting fellow at Punjab University, Chandigarh . His research focuses on political sociology, the role of „science in society” and the impact of scientific expertise on climate and economic politics. Alexander is an active member of international research networks on „the social philosophy of science” (under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Science), „the use of numbers in political decision making and consulting” (under the auspices of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences). Science and the European Parliament) the „role of think tanks in modern knowledge societies” and, most recently the Center for Global Knowledge Studies (GLOKNOS) at Cambridge University. Ana Cristina Fachinelli UCS University of Caxias do Sul | PhD in Communication and Information Sciences from the Université de Poitiers with a Post-doctorate in Strategic Intelligence from the Universidad de Deusto (2010) Spain. President of Comunidad Iberoamericana de Sistemas de Conocimiento 2012-2013, member of the executive committee – Annual Knowledge Cities World Summit, member of the Board of Directors of the World Capital Institute, is a professor at the Postgraduate Program in Administration at Caxias do Sul. research in the area of​​ Knowledge Management, Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Based Development. Audrey Groleau U. du Québec | Audrey Groleau is a professor of science and technology education at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières since 2014. Previously, she taught physics at the university level. She holds a bachelor's degree in physics, a DESS in university education, a master's degree in didactics, and she is completing a doctorate in didactics. She is particularly interested in issues related to scientific expertise, girls and women in science and universal design for learning. Blanca C. Garcia Monterrey, Mexico | COLEF | Blanca (MSc, PhD, Man) is passionate about learning as a process that triggers collective development. She is a specialist in Development Policy Administration and Management, dedicated to the facilitation, creation and research of Development Policies of knowledge-generating networks that involve people at the city-region level. Since 2009, she has been working as a researcher in the area of​​ public policy at Colégio da Fronteira Norte (COLEF) in its research unit in Monterrey, Mexico. She works under the banner of the City of Knowledge schemes, particularly interested in exploring regional systems of learning and knowledge in city-regions, and their impact on their development. It explores the main Knowledge Based Development (KBD) processes in the urban context through different instruments. One of these instruments is the international consultation exercise known as the MAKCi Awards (Most Admired Knowledge City Awards, in its 13th Edition) for the WCI organization, an international think-thank that has annually held a World Summit of Knowledge Cities since 2007. Through her participation in these and other relevant events, Blanca has contributed to the growing KBD literature with case studies of knowledge cities and KBD models, namely the Knowledge Cities and Knowledge & the City seminar, and other knowledge-based thematic books, under the Elsevier-Heinemann , Inderscience and Routledge brands. Blanca is involved in advancing KBD's strategies that aim to balance economic growth, social equity and environmental sustainability in communities, cities and regions. Cathrin Zengerling Albert-Ludwigs-Universität | Cathrin Zengerling is a legal scholar and works primarily in the areas of (international) environmental, energy and planning law as well as sustainable urban development. She heads the junior professorship "Transformation to Sustainable Energy Systems" since August 2019 and the research group "Urban Footprints" - funded by a Freigeist-Fellowship of the Volkswagen Foundation - since January 2018. Previously, she had been researching and teaching as a postdoc at HafenCity University Hamburg since November 2015, particularly in the context of the master's program Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning (REAP). From May 2011 to October 2015, she worked as a lawyer in the Hamburg law firm Günther Rechtsanwälte, mainly in the areas of energy, construction and environmental law. Cathy Garner Lancaster, United Kingdom | Lancaster University | Dr. Cathy Garner is an innovation specialist, specializing in innovation and knowledge-based development for cities and communities. An experienced non-executive director and independent advisor, she has over 25 years of successful experience building partnerships for social and economic development. He currently holds various advisory and non-executive roles nationally and internationally, including the Center for Aging Better in London, the Scale-Up Institute in the UK, the World Capital Institute in Mexico and the Council on Health Research for Development in Geneva. Has carried out specialist projects in innovation and knowledge-based development in London and clusters across the UK. Working with Lancaster University, As Chief Executive of Manchester: Knowledge Capital, she has built a globally recognized partnership for innovation, bridging the boundaries between business, academia and government. He has worked extensively with Innovate UK, the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the UK Office and other UK government departments. She was an Independent Commissioner at the London-Stansted-Cambridge Growth Commission, 2015-2016 and at the Greenwich Fairness Commission, 2016-2017. For more than ten years until 2018, she served as a member of the Selection and Monitoring Committee of Canada's National Centers of Excellence. Previously, Cathy established and led an international NGO that addressed the intellectual property challenge in drug development for the world's poor. She was founding director of the North American Business Council of Scotland and served as the inaugural Vice President of International Relations for the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) in the US. He held a public meeting at the Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property for the UK and was a member of the UK Office's Innovation Council. A graduate of the University of Edinburgh with a Ph.D. in urban geography, her early career was a researcher at the Center for Educational Sociology, where she conducted ground breaking research using multi-level modeling to analyze complex data for which she was elected a member of the Royal Statistical Society. Leaving academia, she took up political positions in the public sector focused on social housing and communities and later specialized in bridging the gap between university research and local economic development, publishing extensively on the emerging fields of location-based economic development and knowledge transfer. She is a member of the Royal Society of Arts. Cintia Marino UNINOVE | Cintia holds a PhD in Urbanism from FAU Mackenzie (Brazil). She is currently a permanent professor and researcher of the postgraduate program in Smart and Sustainable Cities at Nove de Julho University. Strives to identify initiatives of self-management and collaboration models that seek new forms of urban transformation, in lieu of projects and plans. She additionally worked with urban projects, management and public policies. Cristian Ducoing Lund University | Cristian Ducoing is a senior lecturer at Lund University School of Economics and Management. His research has been related to several topics. After his dissertation "Machinery investment and growth in Chile during the period 1830 to 1938" his research interests have broadened to Historical National Accounts in Latin America and sustainability. Recently, in joint work with Eoin McLaughin and Les Oxley, they have begun the measurement of Genuine Savings for 40 countries. This project is funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. Daniel Dahm World Future Council | Johannes Daniel Dahm is a German geographer, ecologist, activist, consultant and entrepreneur. Daniel Dahm is pioneering just and sustainable development within science, as an entrepreneur as well as an activist. For many years, he held leading positions in scientific institutions of excellence, as well as in the steering committees of civil society organizations. As a multidisciplinary scientist, he works in the fields of sustainability and development research, ecological economics and ecological creation of values, future of work, plurality and diversity of life. Douglas Kelbaugh U. of Michigan | Douglas Kelbaugh is Dean Emeritus at the University of Michigan, where he taught a large course on cities and climate change. He recently wrote the book THE URBAN FIX: Resilient Cities in the War against Climate, Heat Islands and Overpopulation. Prior to UM, he was Architecture Chair at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he currently lives. Other books he has authored are Common Place, The Urban Reader and Repairing the American Metropolis. Eliut D Flores-Caraballo Dr. Eliut D Flores-Caraballo is a tenured professor at the Graduate School of Information Science & Technology in the Communications and Information College, at the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras Campus (UPR-RP). At the UPR, Dr. Flores-Caraballo has been involved in the development of digital transformation, distance learning, and IT policies, including the automation of business processes and the implementation of several SharePoint sites for Content Management in various administrative and academic units in the system. Dr. Flores-Caraballo earned a PhD in International Communication and Latin American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin (1991), an MS in Telecommunications from Syracuse University (1984), and a BA in Comparative Literature from the UPR-Rio Piedras. Francisco Javier Carrillo Monterrey, Mexico | TEC | Javier is passionate about knowledge as a lever for the human condition. He is Professor Emeritus of Knowledge Based Development (KBD) at Tecnológico de Monterrey. There, in 1992, he founded the Center for Knowledge Systems, where he led more than 150 contracted projects and developed the Capital Systems Framework. Recognized as an international leader in Cities of Knowledge, he is president of the World Capital Institute and editor of the International Journal of KBD. His research and consulting interests are knowledge cities, capital systems, knowledge markets. He recently focused on human responses to the Anthropocene and how this relates to Economic Culture. Gavin Keeney Metropolitan Transmedia Authority, NY | Dr. Gavin Keeney – Agence 'X'/Metropolitan Transmedia Authority – Independent Artist-scholar Gavin Keeney completed a research doctorate in Architecture at Deakin University, Australia, in 2014, on the subject of “Visual Agency in Art and Architecture,” inclusive of the monograph , Chris Marker Dossier: The Suffering Image (2012). Recent publications include Knowledge, Spirit, Law: Book 1, Radical Scholarship (2015), and Knowledge, Spirit, Law: Book 2, The Anti-capitalist Sublime (2017). He has taught and lectured in architecture schools in the US, England, Slovenia, Australia, and India. Current research concerns the moral rights of authors in the age of cognitive capitalism, forms of scholarship that are also works of art, and editioning strategies for nominally useless works in the Arts and Humanities. Two monographs encompassing this research are currently under contract with Punctum Books, with Works for Works: Book 1, Useless Beauty due in Winter 2022. Glenn Roberto Arce Larrea Glenn Roberto Arce Larrea served as Agent of the Arequipa Stock Exchange and Chairman of the Board of Directors Expert of the consulting process with the goal of determining the World's Most Admired Knowledge City (MAKCi), 2008 - 2017. Past Dean of the College of Economists of Arequipa, Finance and Business Consultant, Research Professor qualified by RENACYT CONCYTEC of the Faculty of Economics National University of San Agustín Professor at different universities in Postgraduate units, director of the Economics Research Unit of the National University of San Agustín, Representative of the Arequipa Cell of the Ibero-American Knowledge Society based in Monterrey Mexico. He is cPhD in Ethics and Epistemology, Dr. in Economics and International Business at the Universidad Católica Santa María (Graduated with honors and excellence of the promotion), cDr. in Economic Management and Strategic Planning at the University of Seville (excellence). Gunter R. Koch Austria | HCM |Günter R. Koch, Prof.em. DI, (* 1947), resident in Austria and Spain, holder of the “Cross of Honor 1st Class for Achievements in Science” by Austria, currently holds the position of President of Humboldt Cosmos Multiversity in Tenerife and President of the Research Association in Economy for the Common Good (ECG) in Vienna, Austria. His basic training is in computer science, having graduated from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), where he founded research in Software Engineering. He became chairman of a technical committee at the European Commission in 1977. In 1981, he founded his own software company, in business for 13 years, specializing in industrial and medical automation as well as software engineering methodologies. In 1993, he was appointed head of the European Software Institute (ESI) in Bilbao. In 1998, he assumed the role of CEO of Austria's largest R&D center, now called the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT). He has been a visiting professor at different technical universities, is at the University of the Danube, Austria and an adjunct professor at the Technical University of Graz. His experience spans a wide range of disciplines, with a special focus on knowledge science. Irene Guijt Oxfam | Dr Irene Guijt leads Oxfam Great Britain's Evidence and Strategic Learning unit, including research, adaptive monitoring and impact evaluation, and the communication and uptake of Oxfam's evidence base to influence economic, environmental and social justice. Prior to this, she worked for 25 years in knowledge processes on rural development, natural resource management, collective action and social justice. Much of her work has focused on approaches to elevate ignored voices. She previously worked at the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and was a Research Associate for ODI and a Research Fellow at the Australian National University. Her PhD from Wageningen University focused on learning processes between smallholder organisations, government and research for transforming food systems. Jamile Marques UFSC and USP Jason Monios Kedge Business School | Dr Jason Monios is Professor of Maritime Logistics at Kedge Business School, Marseille, France. His research areas include intermodal transport and logistics, port system evolution, collaboration and integration in port hinterlands, transport governance and policy, institutional and regulatory settings, sustainable transport, climate change adaptation, autonomous and electric vehicles and urban freight transport and logistics. Jason has led numerous research projects on these topics with a total budget of over €1m and has over 100 peer-reviewed academic publications. He has worked with national and regional transport authorities and co-authored technical reports with UNCTAD and UN-ECLAC. Jason is a chartered member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) and co-chair of the Intermodal Freight Transport SIG of the World Conference on Transportation Research Society (WCTRS), as well as a member of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), the Port Performance Research Network (PPRN) and the Port Economics online initiative. Jose Antonio Marengo Orsini Cemaden | Jose Marengo is graduated in Physics and Meteorology by Universidad Nacional Agraria, a Masters in Water Resources Engineering by Universidad Nacional Agraria in Lima, Peru and a Ph.D. in Meteorology by the University of Wisconsin Madison in the USA. He has done post doctoral studies at NASA-GISS and Columbia University in New York and at Florida State University in Florida, USA in climate modeling. He was the scientific coordinator of climate forecasting at CPTEC INPE. He is currently a senior researcher and General Coordinator of Research and Development at CEMADEN (National Center for Monitoring and Alerting of Natural Disasters) linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation MCTI, where he works with extreme events, natural disasters and disaster risk reduction. He is also postgraduate professor at INPE. He is a member of several international of the United Nations (IPCC, WMO) and is a member of working groups in Brazil and abroad on climate change, and global change. He is a consultant in the field of environmental studies on global changes, impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change and a reviewer for several scientific journals and national and international funding agencies. Julia Puaschunder The New School, NY | Julia Margarete Puaschunder is a behavioral economist with Doctorates in Social and Economic Sciences as well as Natural Sciences with over 20 years of experience in applied social sciences empirical research in the international arena. Julia Puaschunder is a post-doc in the Interuniversity Consortium of New York at Columbia University and The New School. Previously she was an Associate of the Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences and is included in the 'Marquis Who's Who in America and in the World' among the top 3% professionals around the globe and has received awards for lifetime achievements and being a top educator. Julia Puaschunder published nine books and was invited to give keynote addresses around the world. Lelani Mannetti Urban Studies Institute | Dr Lelani Mannetti is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Urban Studies Institute, conducting comparative research across nine US and Latin American cities as part of the Urban Resilience to Extreme Events Sustainability Research Network. Alongside city stakeholders, she helps promote visionary thinking through the co-production of desirable and plausible future scenarios focused on resilience, sustainability, and equity. Dr Mannetti is also a Fellow on the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Values Assessment, a methodological assessment of the diverse conceptualization of multiple values of nature and its benefits. Lorena Pasquini of Cape Town | Lorena Pasquini is an Honorary Research Associate at the University of Cape Town, working with the Climate System Analysis Group, the African Climate and Development Initiative and Global Risk Governance Programme. She is also a World Social Science Fellow in Sustainable Urbanization (International Social Science Council) and sits on the Steering Committee of the Adaptation Network of South Africa. She has a background working as a researcher, consultant and practitioner on a variety of interdisciplinary issues located at the society/environment nexus. Currently, she works for Just Share, a non-profit shareholder activism organization that uses research, engagement, advocacy and activism to drive urgent action to combat climate change and reduce inequality. Marcos Silveira Buckeridge USP | Marcos Buckeridge is Associate Professor at the Department of Botany of the University of São Paulo and Director of the Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia do Bioethanol (INCT do Bioethanol), which gathers 32 laboratories in 6 states of Brazil with several collaborations in the US and Europe and also deputy director of the Center for Biological and Industrial Processes for Biofuels (CeProBIO), a large initiative to develop basic science in collaboration with the European Union. From 2009 to 2012 he was also Scientific Director of the Brazilian Bioethanol Science and Technology Laboratory (CTBE), in Campinas. Buckeridge develops research on Plant Cell Wall Degradation and on the Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Plants to the Environment. In 2010, he was appointed a Lead Authors for the next Intergovernmental Panel of Climatic Chanes (IPCC) report (AR5) to be released in 2014. Buckeridge has more than 120 publications in plant physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology and is communicating editor for the international journals Trees: structure and function (Springer), Bioenergy Research (Springer), Global Change Biology Bioenergy (Wiley) Monika Schröttle University of Nuremberg, INFUNI | Prof. Dr. Monika Schröttle is a political scientist and social scientist with a focus on interdisciplinary gender, violence, human rights and inclusion research. She has been working for more than 20 years on uncovering, analyzing and overcoming social and political problems (especially in questions of participation and social justice, violence and discrimination prevention related to gender, disability and migration). In participatory research and innovative teaching (in the sense of research-based learning), knowledge bases for social transformation should be created. These serve the implementation of equal opportunities, human rights, peace, a secure existence, heath and quality of life for all like they are also stated in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The establishment of the International Future University with new approaches to university, professional and citizen education is a long-term project of the heart, which Schröttle is currently building up in close with the highly engaged student and activist Friederike Kaufmann, and other young and cooperation young-at-heart pioneers. By networking knowledge about social, political, economic and ecological strategies, the aim is to jointly achieve a good life for existing and future generations worldwide. Raphaële Bidault-Waddington Raphaële Bidault-Waddington is the founder of LIID Future Lab (, a hybrid research platform in Paris, working with or for companies, cities, universities and cultural institutions in France and abroad, since 2000. With a mixed background in knowledge economy and art, she designs innovative foresight methodologies such as in the Paris Galaxies lab (2008-18) on the future of the Greater Paris, hosted at Sorbonne University (with a pool of partnering schools), and funded by the City of Paris. She is also a regular keynote speaker and the author of a series of publications on the future of urban resilience and digital and environmental transitions at large. RETURN HOW TO REGISTER REGISTER NOW

  • Report_perfilsocioeconômicoCXS | City Living Lab

    EN/PT Citylivinglab - Available online 9 may 2022 Socioeconomic profile of Caxias do Sul 2021 Ana Cristina Fachinelli, Cíntia Paese Giacomello, Bianca Libardi, Catiane Borsatto, Rafael de Lucena Perini, Suane de Atayde Moschen, Suélen Bebber EN/PT DOI: Abstract In producing this socioeconomic profile, we analyze Caxias do Sul's social and economic structure. We highlight throughout the material the qualities of Caxias do Sul, presenting it as a favorable environment to live with quality of life and develop business. This publication consolidates diverse information about Caxias do Sul and serves as a reference to support investment decisions, policy formulation, inform visitors and the public about the assets and liabilities of the municipality, and its socioeconomic facts. The magazine Socioeconomic Profile of Caxias do Sul aims to present to the community the aspects that most stand out in the city. Thematic axes have been defined, and, based on them, the primary data obtained from official sources are presented. Historical series and comparisons with state and national data allow us to position Caxias do Sul in relation to other places. The responsibility for data collection and analysis lies with the Citylivinglab team, a research group from the Graduate Program in Administration at the University of Caxias do Sul. The publication is based on secondary data, and all sources are cited throughout the magazine. We have always used the most recent data available.

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